Friday, January 8, 2010

almost 8 months!!!

Almost 8 months ago...

I was laying in a labor room waiting on the contractions to come and aidan to make his debut! Its hard to believe it took 3 hrs for aidan to get here and 4 for me to come back from the recovery room... I remember kissing my lil man for the first time and saying this is mommy!!! As I watch him play in his walker today I am in awe at this blessing God has given me...

My son now laughs,walks,and sings his ownself to sleep!!! He has one tooth and is working on the second--even talks!! My son is growing up each day!! He never ceases to amaze me every day!!

Thank you God for my loving husband that you brought into my life and gave us the ability to have children..Thank you Lord for bringing our little family together!!!

All is well otherwise...Updates soon to come!